Saturday, January 23, 2010

North Island or Bust! NZ post #3

Farewell to the South Island! Josh and I road tripped it in our awesome station wagon from Wellington (Josh's mission) to Hamilton. There aren't any free ways in New Zealand which made for a windy ride through the mountains and over the hills. Since they drive on the opposite side of the road, I left the driving up to Josh (at least that's what I told him, but really I just needed a good long nap in the car:) So, what I saw when I was conscious was some of the most beautiful countryside I have ever seen. Miles and miles of green rolling hills, some covered with sheep...lots of sheep and mountains along the horizon. Looking back I wish I would've taken more pics of this, but oh well. Along the way we stopped at some places where Josh served on his mission. We were blessed to meet up with a woman he baptized, found another woman he taught the discussions to, and happened to run into his old landlord. We ended this part of the road trip in Hamilton where we met up with one of Josh's companions and his sweet little family. We enjoyed spending a couple days with them, going to to the tree lighting at the temple, and attending a temple session with them as well. This was another highlight of the trip. On our few travels that we have made to different parts of the country and the world, it is always such a humbling, and faith promoting experience, to know no matter where in the world you are, the gospel is there. Always, always, always you will find faithful, loving members who welcome you in and share your same beliefs, and for me that is such a huge comfort and blessing.

This was no Temple Square, but they put on quite the production each night as the trees are lit. Very few people decorate with Christmas lights, so it was definitley the place to be, and I must say quite beautiful.

Not, the best pic, but a general idea of the green countryside, and little sheepies dotting the land.

Yep, this is it! The infamous apartment that Josh burned down on his mission. Let's just say the landlord had not forgotten who Josh was. haha And oddly enough, was pleasantly surprised to see and speak with him.

After a little searching for where she had moved, we found the apartment of a lady whom Josh taught on his mission. When he knocked on the door and told her who he was, she started to cry and was overjoyed to see him. She had gotten baptized and was a strong member of the church. I was touched to see how the gospel (through my husband) had influenced and blessed this woman's life and how extremely grateful she was for those hardworking missionaries 13 years ago!

Overlooking Wellington, the Capitol, with the De Silvas (Josh baptized the woman). They too were so excited to see Josh, and I was amazed at how much their son knew and remembered about him.


Barb said...

That's amazing! I didn't know Josh served there. I think you should post about how he burned down his apartment....

Danielle said...

Yeah, I didn't know he burned down an apartment! Thanks for sharing your experiences, It's so awesome that you got to meet some of those people.

J & M Squared said...

Wow that is awesome. I would die if the missionary that baptized me landed on my doorstep that is so so cool!