Saturday, April 26, 2008

Whatever it takes to get some Zzzzzzz's...

And Josh wonders why I still worry about Bailee when she sleeps...When we moved to our new apartment, the first night we didn't have the crib set up yet, so Bailee slept in the twin bed. The next day for her nap, she didn't want to sleep in the crib, but in her big girl bed. Well, just like that, the transition was made and she loves sleeping in the bed. The only draw back is she has more room to wiggle around on and as you can see she likes to kick the wall. The other day she was having a great time playing around and kicking the wall and I guess found a comfortable position with her leg up on the wall, and fell asleep. However, all this play room on the twin bed and moving around just might not be so good for her quality of sleep. The picture with her milk (I know she looks hung over, but I swear it's milk) is what happens when she doesn't get the quality of sleep she needs (sounds like her mother)...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bailee's gonna be a what?!!

That's right, Bailee's gonna be a big sister which means only one thing...We are having another baby! I have made it over the half way hump and it has gone by super fast. Josh and I both thought for sure we were going to have another girl, but we were both excited to find out we are expecting a little Josh Jr. I am still not quite sure what I am going to do with a little boy, since Bailee is as girly as it gets, but I am excited for our new little adventure! We just moved to a three bedroom apartment this weekend (same complex) and I made the mistake of telling Josh that if we have a boy he could put his weights in the room. Like I said, I thought for sure the weights would be staying outside in storage cause I thought I was having a girl. Well, much to my dismay, Josh decided to purchase a weight system thinger that takes up half the nursery. Oh, my poor little boy...his nursery is being taken over by his father, who I know can't wait to wrestle and rough house with the little guy....oh well. We've had a lot going on lately, and I will have to post more later, but I just thought I should share this wonderful news with my friends and family!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Bailee's Latest...(video moved to bottom of page)

So, Bailee is at the age where she seems to be learning things very quickly. However, there are also some things that we didn't need to teach her, and she just seemed to learn on her own...unfortunately her favorite just happens to be the word "No!" We thought the video was kind of funny because she was saying it in a higher pitched voice. Anyways, she learned how to count to ten a while back, but then digressed and would only count "3, 7, 9" (I guess she has a thing for odd numbers). Well, she can count to ten again, only this time she skips the number 8. Oh well, we are just greatful for the daily entertainment she provides us. p.s sorry, for some reason I can't download my videos through blogger, so youtube will have to do. Remember you can go to the bottom of the page and pause the music so you can hear the videos. ENJOY!