Well, it's that time of year again. The words of "Silver Bells" says it well, "See the kids bunch..dressed in holiday style...meeting smile after smile.." That's right, it's the holiday season, but for us, it's also family picture time (cheesy...I know, it just came to me haha:) Anyhow, we kind of just threw this together last minute, but my sis in law Rebekah pulled through (as always) and did a great job! She took these in her basement and I had to convince the lady at the photo lab that they were not "professional" (although Rebekah I do consider you a profesional 100%, but you know what I mean). So, I thought I would give you a little preview of the Deaner family 2009...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Posted by thedeanfamily at 6:54 PM 6 comments
"Princess", "Belle", Bailee Bops" a.k.a Bai
Okay fam, once again, here are some pics of your little Bails...I love this time of year cause you can use the Santa Claus threat for a month and it works wonders. You know, you just have to start singing the song, "You better watch out, you better not cry..." and just like that your angel child is back. haha Luckily for me, Bailee is a good little girl and has told Santa so. This year she was brave enough to sit on Santa's lap, but she was most excited to see and meet was Mrs. Claus. She was inquisitive about "Santa's wife" and started asking questions. When we found out she was coming to the library we had to go. Bailee was so excited and chose to sit on her lap instead of Santa's...whatever. Anyways, she's my girly girl, I know, who'd a thought, and loves everything princess. She's a talker, from sun up to sun down, and now that I think about it, there is probably a reason Gabe's not talking yet...Bailee does it for him, either that or he just can't get a word in. haha (Sound familiar Kac:) Well, we love her all the same!
Posted by thedeanfamily at 6:30 PM 0 comments
"Shadow", "Josh Jr." a.k.a "Gabers"
This is a post only family will truly appreciate, it's been a while since I have posted any pics, so this should hold you over until I post again (probably a couple months:) As you can see, Gabe has been up to no good. :) He's been a little naughty, but hopefully Santa will understand (he's a 15 month old boy...enough said!) I can't believe how opposite he and Bailee are, two ends of the spectrum if you know what I mean. Gabe doesn't talk much yet, but there are a couple things he's made clear to us. He obviously does not like two things, 1. His teeth brushed (dad disapproves!) 2.Barbies (thank goodness). But, there is a couple things we know he likes 1.TOILETS...obviously 2. Food (takes after his mom:) He's such a messy eater, it kills me, but like I said before, he's a 15 month old boy...enough said! We love this little man even in all his messes!
Posted by thedeanfamily at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Happy Birthday, Birthday, Birthday!
Holy Smokes, it's been awhile since my last post, but it's good to have my life back. We had a busy summer and things finally seem back to normal (well, as normal as they can get around here:) Come August and September it's like Christmas for us. I have to start planning for Birthdays weeks in advance so I don't get too overwhelmed. Josh, Bailee and Gabe all have birthdays within 2 weeks of eachother. This year was especially crazy since Josh was turning the big 3-0, it was Gabe's first birthday, Josh was going to be in AK on his birthday and Bailee in ID, so we had to plan accordingly. I decided to throw Josh an OSU themed surprise party on Gabe's birthday (two birds with one stone...if you know what I mean;) and that way he was pretty surprised. I wanted to have it outside, but it ended up raining so we had to have it at the church. We were greatful that so many of our friends and family joined us for the celebration and they made for a great party! As for Bailee's birthday we spent it with the Cartwright's in Boise. Josh went to Alaska for two weeks, so I figured I'd brave the plane ride (never again I might add...that experience is a whole other post), and go see my other half and her fam. We had such a great time together and were lucky enough to have most of my family come visit us. Bailee had her birthday planned out, down to the cake and balloons, she had a princess cake and decorations, but little did I know she would have a life changing experience when she opened her Doodlebops DVD. Many of you have probably never heard of the Doodlebops (consider yourself blessed), however Bailee has formed a small obsession with them. She has a crush on Moe and insists she be "Moe" for Halloween. I told her she couldn't be Moe...he's a boy and that she could be Dee Dee instead. She replied, "I won't go trick-or-treating then...it's scary anyways." So, much to my chagrin, it looks like Bailee with enter the cross dressing world at age 3...oh well. Anyhow, we really enjoyed our little vacation and thanks to the Cartwright's for letting us invade for awhile. So, we're all one year older and wiser (and a few pounds heavier too...that's what three birthdays with cake and ice cream will do to ya:), but I'm grateful we were able to celebrate the lives of these three wonderful, special, amazing people in my life.
Grandma's favorite granddaughter...two peas in a pod :)
Gabe was a little sick on his b-day and didn't get to enjoy his cake. So he made up for it and loved Bailee's cake. ;)
Can we say spoiled?
One of the games we played for the kiddies...Pin the tutu on the Michigan wolverine (only true buckeye fans will fully appreciate this.)
O-H-I-O! Go Bucks!
Posted by thedeanfamily at 7:43 PM 6 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wild, wild west
Our trip out to the wild, wild west could be summed up in three words, family, cheese balls and water. We got our fair share of all three. We had a great time in Rexburg visiting family, and staying with "Grandma Lora". Dad and Nick kept us busy, taking us to the spray park and carousel(multiple times), riding on the scooter, playing with Nick's new dog and boating in Island Park. Grandpa H bought a giant container of cheeseballs and Bailee...okay, and I were in heaven. Bailee ate so many, I thought before we left that her skin was going to turn orange. It's always good to go back home and always hard leave! We then headed to Utah for our Peterson family reunion. We look forward to it every year and since I didn't get to go last year, it was great being able to see all the family that I haven't seen in a while. We went to a water park, which I haven't done in a while and the kids (young and old) thoroughly enjoyed it. Nick pretty much threw me onto the scariest slide there (you know, the one that shoots straight down, and a mega wedgie is inevitable. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but it brought back memories of the good ol' days when I wasn't such a wimp. Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Pete for always puttin on a great time. We spent a couple days with mom but as always time flies way to fast when you're having a good time, and the next thing I knew I was on the plane back to Ohio. Even though it can get pretty pricey visiting family as much as I do, it's worth every penny to get to see and spend time with the best family in the world!
This is as daring as my kids would get..the smallest fountain at the park...and lovin it!border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5367263610893429378" />
So, true to Idaho form, it was super windy when we went boating. There was no one else on the reservoir, but I told myself I came all this way and I was going to ride something. Needless to say, it was very choppy but I held on tight and survived.:) Oh, and that's a thumb's up...
Windy indeed...but again, lovin it!
There's a little cheeser to go along with the cheeseballs. (Don't worry the only thing that ended up turning orange was her thumb :)
Coops and Bai
Connor found a quicker way to get around, thanks to Uncle Ty.
Great Grandma and Bai, two lovely ladies...
Gabe was pretty tuckered out at the water park, luckily grandma was pretty ingenuitive and made Gabe a comfy little place to rest.
Nick's one and only true love ;)
Posted by thedeanfamily at 9:30 AM 5 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Family Pics=Sad Babies
Okay, okay, so it wasn't that bad, but in all honesty who likes to fake smile and get their picture taken, over and over. When we got home from "out west" we had a Dean family reunion with all of Josh's siblings and their families. We really had a great time, and as always with any Dean get together lots of food, lots of fun, and of course lots of...kids! My camera was full ( I know, I'm as bad as Mama Dean, but I have every intention of taking care of that asap.), so I didn't take hardly any pics, however I did capture one pic of Mama and Papa Dean with all the little munchkins. Take note of how Gabe just happens to be the only child throwing an absolute fit, Also take note that the last time we attempted a grandparent/grandchildren pic, Bailee was the one acting like Gabe...seriously...what can I say, like mother like child (cause really inside every time we have family pictures, I feel crying like that). I think it is due to the fact that my family had professional family pictures taken every year of our lives until we moved away. They are great to look back on now, but they are still not my most favorite past time. Anyhow, I have the most wonderful in-laws and we always have a great time when we get together.
Posted by thedeanfamily at 3:41 PM 1 comments
Hope you had a Happy 4th... (of July...and Aug.)
We have done lots of fun things this summer and I've got a lot to update so hold on...First off, we had a great Fourth of July. We did the usual parade and fireworks (only I am a little concerned that we need to work on Bailee's parade etiquette. She really made no effort to get any candy. But, it didn't make matters any better that the little girl in front of us was so sweet and kept bringing back Bailee candy as she lounged in her chair. What is this world coming to, I thought I taught her better than that. We're talking elbows out, bag ready, etc...oh well.) As for the fireworks, my in-laws neighbor puts on quite a show (an illegal one) but a great one at that. Bai was scared...shocker, I know, but she was just fine watching them through the window. All in all we had a great day and a what better reason than to celebrate our freedom!
Posted by thedeanfamily at 3:25 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
My House To The White House...CHECK!
Cross it off the to-do list, four days and 450+ miles later Josh just got home from riding his bike from OH to Wash. DC. He had a great time and I can't believe he's hardly even sore today. They stopped a couple places along the way, and met some nice, friendly, and quite interesting people. They definitely had their ups and downs (literally), with flat tires and walking through mud, to 45 mile an hour speeds...crazy! We missed him while he was gone, but we are so proud he was able to accomplish this "feat". It's great to have him back, however I know his mind is already racing, planning the next adventure...who knows maybe "My town to Chi town?" Way to go Josh, you never cease to amaze me!!
To the White House or Bust!
They had a few minor setbacks...
did I mention the killer mountains of West Virginia...
but also some beautiful scenery
Mission Accomplished!
Posted by thedeanfamily at 6:47 PM 11 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
So Long, Farewell...
I surprised my family last weekend and when my mom pulled into the drive way, everyone took a double take when I popped out of the trunk. I've surprised them before, but the execution on this one was pretty impressive. haha I took a quick trip home to help my parents move and kiss my childhood home good bye (not literally, but I could've). Anyhow, we worked hard and fast but managed to stay sane and happy by having some good ol fashioned (no pun intended) fun! It was good to see my fam and thanks to Josh for staying back with the kids so I could actually be helpful...915 Greenhaven, you've been good to us!!
Kacie was clearly surprised after my "grand entrance", obviously happy to see me :)
Nick needs to patten his "gork". He welded his golf club and a fork together which makes for a great wenie roaster. I thought it was hilarious...so Nick.
We hit the jackpot in one of the boxes in storage we were going through and found g ma's old dress we used to use for dress-ups, and of course moms box of sweet glasses...classic!
Posing for "Sr. pictures...oh so photogenic.
Posted by thedeanfamily at 7:57 PM 9 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
My Mama's...
I just wanted to wish all the Mother's in my life a very Happy Mother's Day! I have been blessed with an amazing mother, a awesome mother-in-law, and two of the sweetest Grandmother's ever...I am one lucky girl to have these women to look up to. I think Abe Lincoln said it best when he said, "All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother(s)." You are all truly the BEST! Love you lots! xoxoxo (Grandma P. that's for you :)
Posted by thedeanfamily at 12:14 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Lil' Dr. Dean
(I thought this was too funny not to post...) So, you know your husband is in Dental School when your 2 year old comes and asks to play school. Okay I thought, we'll practice our numbers and maybe put some stickers on a paper...right? Not so, we go into Bailee's room and she said to Gabe and I, lay down and open your mouth. That's right, Bailee wasn't just at any school, but her own, imaginary dental school. So she proceeds by saying, "Gabriel Dean, (in her high pitched talking to a baby voice) okay little guy, I need to look in your mouth." She forces his mouth open, not so gently, and the poor little guy completely helpless just cooperates. After opening his mouth, she then said,"Yeah, he's growing teeth." All the while taking notes in his "chart". I was the next victim/patient. She made me lay down, opened my mouth and said,"they look like straight." Thank you Dr. Mix (my Orthodontist 15 years ago:) It was a fairly painless check-up and she did a great job, and if you're interested I'm sure she could squeeze a few new patients into her busy schedule.
Okay, so her method might not be the most gentle, but hey, it gets the job done!
Dr. Dean charting/doodling...
Posted by thedeanfamily at 7:09 PM 13 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Spring Break...kinda
I say kind of, because technically Josh didn't even get a Spring Break this year. He had to work during Spring Break, so we decided to take advantage of the weekend and head to Palmyra, NY. It was a seven hour drive and the kids actually did pretty well, despite the fact that I crawled in and out of the backseat at least 15 times each way (yet another advantage of being a smaller woman:) Anyhow, it was an awesome trip and I am so glad we were able to go! We visited the church sites including, Joseph Smith's home, the Sacred Grove, Hill Cumorah, and the Grandin Printing Co. Unfortunately the temple was closed for cleaning, but we went to the Palmyra ward on Sunday and also visited an LDS bookstore which brought back great Beehive Book memories...good times. Anyhow, we were lucky since it was colder we were pretty much the only ones on the tours. It was just an uplifting experience and I can definitely say that I felt the spirit and my testimony was strengthened. I especially loved walking through the sacred grove. To many at this time of year, it's probably just looks like a bunch of bare trees and dead leaves, but I sincerely saw a beautiful grove of trees that I felt were indeed sacred.
On our way home from Palmyra, we stopped at Niagara Falls. Everyone had told us that the view was the best from the Canadian side. So, we took an international trip across the border to Canada. :) It was definitely a site, however, I think that it is a one time visit for me. It rained that day and the mist from the falls was a double whammy on the wetness. I asked Bailee what her favorite part of the trip was and she said turning on the heater at the hotel and swimming. (The air control was right at Bailee's level and I guess she got a kick out of pushing the buttons...ah the blessing of being so easily entertained.) I guess for the short time we had together for "Spring Break" we had about as much fun as we could've possibly had!
Posted by thedeanfamily at 9:30 PM 5 comments
"Oh how lovely was the morning..."
I couldn't help but to think of this hymn as we walked through the Sacred Grove on a beautiful, sunny, spring morning.
Posted by thedeanfamily at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Atop Hill Cumorah
She may not have found any gold plates at the top of the hill, but she thought this nasty black cat was something pretty special (It makes me wanna sneeze just looking at it:)
Posted by thedeanfamily at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Going Foreign
Gabe (yes, he's in a pink stroller, and no we weren't prepared to get that wet), Me, Josh, and Bailee (just "hanging out") in front of Horseshoe Falls.
Posted by thedeanfamily at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I just wanted to let everyone know the good news...I just slept through the night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first time in over 5 months and I feel like a new woman!! I just have two things to say..."THANK YOU GABE!" and "HALLELUJAH"!
Posted by thedeanfamily at 5:18 AM 11 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
His face says it all...
For all of you who see Gabe and I on a daily basis (or weekly, bi-weekly, etc.), then this post is not going to be the most exciting for you. However, to my long lost, far away, beloved, family and friends, I realize I haven't posted hardly any pictures of Gabe. Babies change so much every month for the first 12+ months, so here is a little tribute/update on Gabe and his many expressions...
Hungry Baby...who wouldn't love their first taste of rice cereal after drinking nothing but milk for 5 months?! Gabe couldn't get enough of the rice cereal and Josh had a hard time keeping up with his demand for this most delicious, fancy feast.
Surprised Baby...Did someone say ShArK?!!
Gomer Baby..."Duuude these googles are groovy."
Stud Muffin Baby...and all you little ladies out there remember, "BALD is BEAUTIFUL!"
Happy Baby...It's real hard to not love such a happy baby!
Posted by thedeanfamily at 9:20 PM 4 comments